LMS Integration
Easily Integrate National Geographic Learning and Cengage Platforms with Your Learning Management System.
Streamline Your Instruction
Simplify access to a variety of LTI compliant Learning Management Systems like Canvas, Schoology, Blackboard, D2L Brightspace, Moodle and more—keeping everything you need in one spot. LMS integration empowers you and your students in and out of the classroom.

Create a Seamless Single Sign-On User Experience
With LMS Integration, your students are ready to learn on the first day of school. In just a few simple steps, both you and your students can access National Geographic Learning/Cengage resources using your district's LMS login.

Customize Content with Assignment Linking
Focus student attention on what matters most. Use our Content Selector to create a unique learning path that blends your content with links to our learning activities, assignments and more.

Synchronize Grades Automatically
Need to have your course grades recorded in your LMS gradebook? No problem. Simply select the activities you want synched!
Integration with Assignment Linking and Grade Sync
LMS integration is available with the Learning Management Systems schools use most. Enhanced features, such as assignment linking and grade sync, are available because Cengage has worked with our partner LMSs, such as Canvas and Schoology, to develop additional features that go beyond a single sign-on experience.*

*We support integration with any LMS that follows IMS Global Basic LTI Standards. While most of our platforms support a variety of access and integration options, some legacy NGL platforms do not support all methods. Talk to a Sales Consultant for details.